Medical Programs and Insurance

Medical Programs and Insurance

Medical care has consistently been one of the most popular benefits offered to employees in Poland for many years.

For Employers who have medical care (insurance/medical subscription), we undertake actions to improve the conditions of the current program or replace the existing medical care with a more advantageous program both financially and qualitatively.

Polish Brokers Group treats brokerage cooperation as a continuous process of working with the client, involving constant analysis of the market environment and continuously developing and modifying the scope of benefits together with the client.

What should the new offer guarantee the client?

A sense of well-invested funds, which in addition to satisfying employees, attracting and retaining the best of them, will allow achieving measurable benefits. Achieving a return on investment by improving productivity while controlling medical costs.

A typical employee, according to the Social Insurance Institution, is on medical leave several days a year. These are substantial costs on the part of the employer, and an investment in private medical care can reduce them.

Potential goals of changes:

  • reducing sickness absence through corporate preventive actions, targeted preventive programs, health education;
  • reducing the time needed to obtain consultation - availability (shortening absence from work, no need to use a day off);
  • efficient management of occupational health examinations and their effective organization and reporting;
  • limiting administrative issues on the Employer's side related to program management / complaints / support for employees through dedicated personnel on the side of Polish Brokers Group, as well as dedicated IT tools;
  • potential reduction of program service costs which should not affect the quality of offered services.

What should the new medical care offer guarantee the Employee?

  • Accessibility standards with a real guarantee of their maintenance and a refund option.
  • Financial conditions, scope, and service conditions encouraging employees to cover their families.
  • Quick access to information, support from employees.
  • Employee satisfaction with the quality of the provided benefit.

Ask for an offer

Marcin Wojdak

Director for Strategic Clients

"Leading research indicates that private medical care tailored to the needs of your organization, employees, and their families remains the most important non-wage benefit in Poland."